Devlog #3

Ok, i'll admit it. I've been a bit lazy lately, what with Thanksgiving and all. I have, however, worked through my designer's block.

The next section of level 1 will be the ent forest. I'm currently working on the spite for one of the enemies, and so far it's pretty cool! (I will release all of my sprites eventually.) 

I'm also going to try to add some sort of collectable item in each level, but we'll see how it goes. 

As for game saves and such, because the game is going to be pretty short (4 levels total), i'm probably going to opt for using checkpoints instead of actual saves. I will, however, be adding button mapping features for convenience.

I think that about sums it all up! As always, leave a comment or idea if you want, it would mean the world to me!


(I'm currently thinking of a way for people who don't have an itch account to leave a comment. Is it wise? Nope! That's why i'm doing it anyway!)

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